Project cooperation
Hanns-Seidel-Foundation Zagreb HSS –
Center for German and European Studies CGES
Bavarian University Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe BAYHOST

Project period 2024

Hope for Europe?
Students’ perceptions and attitudes towards Europe in Southeast Europe

Project management: prof. dr. sc. Siegfried Gehrmann, University of Zagreb, Prof. Dr. Raine Liedtke, University of Regensburg

Project languages: German, Croatian

The project is based on essays written by students from different faculties at universities in South Eastern Europe, Croatia and Germany on the topic “Hope Europe?” What expectations and hopes do they associate with the European project for themselves and their societies? Where do they see the challenges, problems and opportunities?

The essays are anonymized, written in digital form in the respective national language and evaluated qualitatively. The results will be presented at a conference and discussed with academics and students who took part in the project and with European politicians.

Participating countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. As the project is limited to one year, only one university per country with two student groups (approx. 10-15 students each) will participate. The study programs should represent different European references: e.g. study programs with an internal perspective, which, like the study of the national language, are primarily focused on their own country, and study programs with an external perspective, which, like the study of economics, are internationally and European-oriented from the outset.

One scientist/administrator per university should lead the project at the respective university. The project administrators should speak German. One student from each country should also take part in the conference in Zagreb

The following activities are planned for the 2024 project year

  • 24-26.5.2024 (University of Regensburg): One-day working meeting of the country administrators – working language German
  • June 2024: Completion of the essays in the respective national languages at the faculties
  • July-September 2024: Qualitative evaluation of the essays and translation of the evaluation results into German by the country administrators
  • Nov. 2024 (Rectorate of the University of Zagreb): one-day public conference – presentation of the project results by the country administrators, panel discussion with the students participating in the project and with European politicians
    Conference language German/Croatian (simultaneous interpretation)
  • Publication of the project results in German and Croatian